Alpine Base

Alpine Linux Base contains all the boilerplate you need to create an minimal Docker container using latest stable Alpine with a S6 supervisor init system.

Environment variables - base

Variable Optional Example Value Purpose
DASPANEL_GUUID yes ksdf09832klsdfkjsdlk UUID used in Daspanel system to identify a unique instance of data. If you don't provide one Daspanel generate it using Getuuid API
DASPANEL_MASTER_PASSWORD yes SomeGood#%@Passwd123 Password to be used in the various Daspanel services. Automatically generated if you do not provide one.
DASPANEL_MASTER_EMAIL no Email of the owner of Daspanel instance. It can be used for receiving notifications from the system. The Docker container will not run if it is not informed.

You can find the value of variables automatically generated by examining the container log after it starts. Or looking at the output of the console where you run your docker.

Environment variables - ssmtp

Variable Optional Example Value Purpose
DASPANEL_MAIL_HUB yes gmail Type of remote SMTP server. For now only gmail is tested.
DASPANEL_MAIL_SERVER no* Smtp server address and port.
DASPANEL_MAIL_USER no* Remote SMTP server account to use for sending email.
DASPANEL_MAIL_PWD no* Remote SMTP account password.
*Only required if you set DASPANEL_MAIL_HUB, otherwise is ignored.

How to use


docker pull daspanel/alpine-base:latest


docker run -e daspanel/alpine-base:latest

Run with interactive shell

docker run -it -e daspanel/alpine-base:latest /bin/sh


  • Alpine Linux with S6 overlay
  • Make file to build and publish
  • More...
