Using docker-compose


You can use the docker-compose.yml associated with this image to have more advanced control on his usage. See the contents of the docker-compose.yml file to familiarize yourself with its features.

The docker-compose command is an powerfull member of the Docker system and is highly recommended that you know his documentation:

Quick Start

Create a Docker volume to store permanent data

docker volume create --name=daspanel-data

Start container:

docker-compose up

This will start an new docker container using rsyslogd-server as base image. ?

Stop container:

docker-compose stop

Stop the running conatiner create before with the docker-compose up command. ?

Remove stoped containers:

docker-compose rm

Use this command to remove stopped containers create before with the docker-compose up command. ?

Another usages

Shell access to the container

In order to run the container and get access to a shell on it you can do:

docker-compose run daspanel-rsyslogd-server /bin/sh

where daspanel-rsyslogd-server must be one of the definied services in your docker-compose.yml. See below relevant content of the compose file:

version: '2'
            context: .
            dockerfile: Dockerfile


The sample docker-compose.yml file in this project it's only an start point for your convenience. Fell free to change it for your specific needs.

The sample docker-compose.yml set env variables using the daspanel.env file.